Inca putin si vine de Valentine's Day, adica pe 14 februarie. Este ziua indragostitilor si atunci toata lumea isi face declaratii de dragoste, se trimit mesaje de iubire, se fac cadouri. Un cadou frumos pentru persoana iubita este o declaratie de dragoste. De aceea, va prezint si eu una foarte frumoasa, in limba engleza. Iata deci o declaratie de dragoste in engleza de Valentine's Day:
I'll never know what led me here to you
It might have been my wish upon that star
I only know that the lovelight beamedfrom your eyes so true
And somehow things just out of reach no longer seem so far
If lucky coins and rainbows hold the secret
Or wishes wished upon a birthday cake
Or maybe it was always part of what our lives would be
If I were only dreaming
I'd never want to wake
I save the moments when you're here with me
To cherish and remember trought my day
You light up the corners of my mind with sweet desire
You warm up my life in every day.
Thoughts of you bring heartfelt joy to me
In sunshine or in showers come what mey
Happily I'd follow anywhere you want to led
If you could see inside my heart you might want me to stay.
I think I'll take a chance upon that star
With romance in the air and magic too
Spells and deep enchantements can be so very real
Sometimes things you wish for really do come true.
I see the future when I see you smile
Please don't ever leave these arms of mine
Today and each tommorow I hope to share with you
Tell me that you'll be my valentine.
Asta e pentru iubitul meu, Alex, de Valentine's Day:X
It might have been my wish upon that star
I only know that the lovelight beamedfrom your eyes so true
And somehow things just out of reach no longer seem so far
If lucky coins and rainbows hold the secret
Or wishes wished upon a birthday cake
Or maybe it was always part of what our lives would be
If I were only dreaming
I'd never want to wake
I save the moments when you're here with me
To cherish and remember trought my day
You light up the corners of my mind with sweet desire
You warm up my life in every day.
Thoughts of you bring heartfelt joy to me
In sunshine or in showers come what mey
Happily I'd follow anywhere you want to led
If you could see inside my heart you might want me to stay.
I think I'll take a chance upon that star
With romance in the air and magic too
Spells and deep enchantements can be so very real
Sometimes things you wish for really do come true.
I see the future when I see you smile
Please don't ever leave these arms of mine
Today and each tommorow I hope to share with you
Tell me that you'll be my valentine.
Asta e pentru iubitul meu, Alex, de Valentine's Day:X